Sunday, January 13, 2008

Jack Canfield on the SGR Program

Jack Canfield talks about the power of the SGR

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Michael Beckwith

Rev. Michael Beckwith from the Secret explains ...

Rev. Michael Beckwith from the Secret explains what the SGR Program is all about.

You are at a choice-point in every moment of each circumstance, each activity, spoken word and thought.
Too many people are living in a prison that they have themselves manufactured.
(Dr. Michael Beckwith)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Introduction to The Science of Getting Rich Program (SGR

Michael Beckwith reviews the history of The Science of Getting Rich as it relates to Wallace Wattles, Lloyd Conant, Bob Proctor, Rhonda Byrne, The Secret and the new Science of Getting Rich Program.

Today, the teachers from the movie - Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Rev Michael Beckwith have collaborated to bring "The Science of Getting Rich" to everyone.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

SGR Club (SGR Program) Video

Bob Proctor talks about how thoughts become things and how you can do it too.

Did you know there is a Science to Getting Rich? Wealth follows Laws.

The Law of Gravity did not change when the Wright Brothers learned to fly. They just discovered there were Laws (Lift, Aerodynamics and Thrust) that made flight possible.

There are Laws for the Science of Getting Rich

Click The Banner the learn more about the SGR Club..

7 Free Lessons on the Law of attraction

Today I would like to share with you the 7 powerful lessons from the teachers of the Secret movie at the SGR club. I subscribed to them myself and read printed and read them all. If you want to practice the law of attraction in your daily life these 7 lessons are a great start. And best of all they are FREE!

Go Deeper and Learn More ... A Requirement for Anyone who has Studied the Law of Attraction

Sign Up Today to Receive 7 Beautiful Lessons from Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, and Michael Beckwith the Master Teachers of the Secret and the World's Most Acclaimed Experts on the Law of Attraction.

You'll Learn...

1. How to Best Tap into the Power of Your Inner Being
2. Thoughts are Things - Understanding the Law of Attraction
3. Thought Control - How to Attain Mastery of Your Thought Process
4. Thinking Big - How to Expand Your Vision of Where You Want to Be
5. Speed Manifesting - The Process For Powerfully Manifesting Abundance
6. The Forces of Power - Desire, Belief and Expectancy
7. The Secret to Wealth - Inspired Ideas and Definite Action

Claim Your 7 Free Lessons! by clicking here and entering your details on the right hand side

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Lila Sakura's winning MindMovies Video "MIRACLES HAPPEN!

Here's Lila Sakura's inpirational and winning mindmovie. She won the $5,000 contest!

And if you haven't already, I highly recommend you make your MindMovie, even just for yourself!
If you don't know how or need sotware, please go their website:

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Ester Hicks channeling Abraham on the film The secret

The deleted scene from the inspirational movie. Powerful insights about life,

To receive 7 Free Lessons from the Teachers featured in "The Secret" visit:

Check it out and also get some FREE Law of Attraction gits.

The Real Secret of Unleashing it - The Power Inside You

Unleash your true individual spirit, the spirit...

Unleash your true individual spirit, the spirit that's been lying dormant inside you for years. Doing so will bring you abundance in every possible way, not just financial abundance, but emotional, physical, and spiritual. My life's gone through some big changes since understanding some pretty powerful truths!

For more information on how to use the Law of Attraction:

Check it out and also get some FREE Law of Attraction gits.

Friday, December 21, 2007

How to apply the law of attraction

If you want to learn more about the Law of Attraction and on how to apply the law of attraction this is for you...

Today, the teachers from the movie - Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Rev Michael Beckwith have collaborated to bring "the Science of Getting Rich" to everyone. To learn more about how this amazing program can change you life visit:

Or click the banner below and Check it out and also get some FREE Law of Attraction gits. (more)

7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of The Secret